Annual Report

Annual Report 2018

Building on the innumerable successes recorded by Youth Initiative for Drug Research Information Support and Education in Nigeria (YouthRISE Nigeria), in 2018, the organisation focused on enhancing its activities and efforts to leading drug policy reform advocacy in Nigeria and the West African sub-region. YouthRISE Nigeria continues to thrive through the various projects and activities it undertakes in addressing issues central to; drug policy, human rights and public health in Nigeria, particularly among vulnerable population.

Annual Report 2019

We are most glad to share our 2019 journey with you. Last year, we focused on consolidating existing projects while exploring opportunities to expand services for maximum impact. YouthRISE Nigeria through relevant multi-sectoral partnerships contributed to situating national drug control response as a development agenda in contrast to using the criminal justice approach only. This collective effort resulted in the approval for implementation of harm reduction program inclusive of Needle Exchange Program, Medically Assisted Therapy and community Naloxone distribution by the government of Nigeria.

Annual Report 2020

We are delighted to share our 2020 journey with you. Despite the outbreak of the Coronavirus epidemic early in the year, YouthRISE Nigeria did strengthen its engagement and relationship with local and international stakeholders and more importantly, ensuring that young and vulnerable populations are reached with adequate information, quality services, while mitigating the impact of COVID-19. As the year proceeded, the COVID-19 posed challenges that created opportunities for us to explore and expand patterns in connecting with communities and progressing our work.

Annual Report 2021

In the year 2021, YouthRISE Nigeria focused on resource mobilization, consolidating our institutional programs, and Needle & Syringe Program (NSP) pilot in Nigeria.
Leveraging on our strategic partnership to achieve an evidence-based drug policy in Nigeria, we engaged with parliamentarians and other stakeholders to discuss the role of parliament in establishing and sustaining drug policy in Africa
and Nigeria particularly. 

Annual Report 2022

The year 2022 was a hallmark year for YouthRISE Nigeria, as we marked a decade of impact of bridging gaps and creating sustainable approaches for effective Drug Control, Human Rights, and the Development of young people. In celebration of of our 10th year anniversary, YouthRISE Nigeria hosted a National Symposium and Policy dialogue that reiterated the importance of human-centered policies in addressing issues concerning young vulnerable populations.