YouthRISE Nigeria has continued to increase advocacy on Human rights, health, and social justice for the vulnerable.

16 Days of Activism 2022

As part of the activities for 16 Days of Activism to End Violence Against Women Who Use Drugs 2022, we engaged the media to shape perceptions about women who use drugs and address gender-based violence among this key population. Also, YouthRISE Nigeria provided support to community-based/ drug user organizations and supported initiatives aimed at creating awareness on the vulnerabilities of WWUD to gender-based violence. This campaign was championed by the community leaders and community members in different communities. The highlight of the day was a 'Sports Event' organized to raise awareness on and address stigma and discrimination, promote inclusion and protect the rights of WWUD.

Expressed in Art 2021

The 16 Days of Activism to End Violence against Women Who Use Drugs 2021 focused on empowering women to address the harmful culture, practices, perception and policies sustaining gender-based violence in the society. Expressed-In-Art was a key highlight of the Campaign. It brought a non-conventional approach in addressing the impact GBV has on the survivors’ mental, emotional and social state. The arts curated from this program stand as an advocacy tool, which clearly identifies the range of impact gender-based violence has on women's development.

Let’s Talk Orange 2020

Let’s Talk Orange was a significant campaign in line with 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence. It involved dialogue sessions with community leaders, community members, law enforcement officers and CSOs focused on gender issues. This was to identify peculiar enablers of gender-based violence against women who use drugs and advocate for an effective response and the active involvement of stakeholders. A major objective of the campaign was to promote community ownership of response measures to gender based violence.

Orange Hands 2019

In advocating for the elimination of violence against women who use drugs and acceleration of gender responsive policies, YouthRISE Nigeria implemented the global ‘Orange Campaign’. The community-led campaign featured a photo exhibition, where pictorial representation of harsh realities of women who use drugs were brought to the fore through framed photographs. 100 signatures were gathered on the mural to show support for humane drug control in Nigeria. The campaign involved a press release calling for an end to the violence and human rights violations perpetrated under the guise of drug control in Nigeria and recommend the implementation of humane drug control in the country.

We Are People

We Are People campaign is the flagship campaign of YouthRISE Nigeria, that has continually spread across local and international entities. This campaign focuses on identifying the human rights of marginalised persons, especially young persons who use drugs. This is to foster change in the negative perception and narrative of persons who use drugs, and garner support to promote human rights, social justice and equality of persons who use drugs. Over the years, civil society organisations, youth groups, international organisations and leaders continue to show support for the objectives of this campaign. By continuous emphasises on the unintended consequences of the repressive drug policies and programs, We Are People campaign is given to sustain evidence-based knowledge, practice and information locally and internationally.