Drug policy reform
and ensuring better health

YouthRISE has been at the forefront of advocating for evidence-based policies and programs including harm reduction for people who use drugs, engaging critical stakeholders to drive policy reform, improve HIV services and galvanizing CSO actions in this regard


provided with SRH informations


females provided with contraceptives


household reached with nutritional support


YouthRISE Nigeria empowerment Programmes are targeted toward promoting human rights, protection, and development of young key and vulnerable populations, particularly those in marginalized communities. Our health intervention programs are designed to provide a holistic response to the health need of people who use drugs and/or live with HIV while considering gender differences and vulnerabilities.


Detained Yet Unchanged

I used to work as a security officer in one of the banks in Abuja. One day after work I was with some of my friends and we were smoking cannabis. Suddenly we sighted the police coming for us and we all ran. Unfortunately for me I got arrested while the others escaped. I was detained in one cell for three months and after I was transferred to another location where I spent nine months. My experience in detention was traumatizing. While in detention I learnt a lot of negative...

Tortured To Change

My parent knew I was doing drugs and it was getting out of hand and I had a couple of problems with my education. My parent got angry and was advised by someone, whom the only place he knew was a place where they torture someone to repent. Torture in the sense that, in your first three months you get flogged, handcuffed both hands and legs, and put in a room where there’s no movement. Your hand and legs get swollen...


We Are People

WE ARE PEOPLE is YouthRISE Nigeria’s flagship advocacy campaign that seeks to create awareness on drug policy reform and address the stigma/discrimination faced by People Who Use Drugs (PWUD).


We Are People

WE ARE PEOPLE is YouthRISE Nigeria’s flagship advocacy campaign that seeks to create awareness on drug policy reform and address the stigma/discrimination faced by People Who Use Drugs (PWUD).


Artvocacy is a YouthRISE publications that tells the story of women's struggle through Art. Women around the world are disproportionately impacted by gender-based violence which manifests in form of sexual coercion, abuse, rape, female genital mutilation, child/early marriage, sexual harassment and assault. The publication revealed their struggles through paintings created by these women

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