Youth Empowerment

YouthRISE Nigeria empowerment programmes are targeted towards promoting human rights, protection, and development of young key and vulnerable populations, particularly those in marginalized communities. We recognize the importance of involving young people in discussions about health and drug policy reform. The aim is to engage a broader audience of young people who are often left behind, providing a platform for them to be seen and heard.

Community Mobilization
and Outreach

We engage with young people to increase awareness, build trust, and facilitate positive change. Our approach involves the social mobilization of young people and vulnerable communities to promote understanding and encourage active participation in health promotion and development initiatives. Through collaboration, we gain valuable insights into the unique needs and challenges of the community, enabling us to develop effective programs and services tailored to meet those needs. This engagement promotes behavioural change and addresses health disparities, building trust and forming sustainable relationships between our organization and the communities we serve.

Internship program and
Capacity Building

As part of our youth empowerment intervention, we offer internship programs and capacity-building opportunities to young people and youth-led organizations. These programs are tailored to the needs and interests of our participants, providing practical skills that they can apply in their personal and professional lives.

Skill Acquisition Programs and
Entrepreneurship Training

We recognize that young people, especially those who use drugs and other marginalized populations, often face significant challenges in accessing employment and education opportunities, and we are committed to providing the support and training they need to build sustainable livelihoods. In response to this, we provide skill acquisition and entrepreneurship training as an essential component of empowering young people, especially those who use drugs to improve their economic and social well-being.
We provide vocational and entrepreneurship training that helps young people develop the knowledge and skills they need to start and run successful businesses. We also provide ongoing support and mentoring to them and advocate for policies and programs that support youth entrepreneurship and economic empowerment.

Access to small business

We provide and facilitate access to soft loans to help young people gain the skills and resources they need to be responsible and build financial stability. Our approach includes educational resources on money management, financial counselling, and loan products designed specifically for young people.

Mentorship and Technical support
to Youth organizations

YouthRISE Nigeria is committed to supporting youth-led organizations and promoting youth empowerment. We believe that by providing mentorship and technical support, we can help young people develop the skills, knowledge, and resources they need to lead and manage their organizations effectively and to create lasting change in their communities. We are proud to work with young people who use drugs to support their leadership and organizational development and to help them achieve their goals. By promoting youth-led organizations and investing in their success, we can build a more equitable and just society for all.